
  Murmurings vaguely slip into Patieny’s ears, annoying her incessantly. Among the voices, there are chuckles and thorns. These noises are like mosquitoes seeking Patieny’s weakness and attack her without giving her any space. Patieny suppressed her fidgets, trying to focus on the class. She tolerated and tolerated. Finally, she was put to the limit and about to ask the teacher for help. However, one of the voices sharply overtaken other voices. It was Bolleyn.
  “Miss Sue, I think Patieny is absentminded and interrupted my study,” Bolleyn said.
  “Is it? Miss Patieny?” Miss Sue turned toward Patieny and said, “Dare you trouble my class?”
  “No, Miss…”
  “No excuses for laziness, gets out of the classroom!”
  Patieny tried to speak, but as the moment she lifted her face, she saw faces staring at her with mocks, Patieny felt like being burned from the deep inside of her body. She turned her eyes away, and picked up her books. When she left the room, she could sense their murmurings and insults followed her. It makes up their day, and she knows that.



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