Point of View:
 The vision of the narrator of the story.

 -Particpant PoV (First-person PoV)
  -The narrator is one of the characters in the story.
  -Reliable (or unreliable) narrators
    ->innocent eye (unreliable)
     -the narrator is naive, so they only "witness" what happens without analyzing it.

 -Non-Particpant PoV (Third-Person PoV)
  -the narrator is not one of the characters in the story.
   -Omniscience PoV
    -Neutral Omniscience PoV -Objective, without any comment
    -Editorial Omniscience PoV -Subjective, critical
    -Selective Omniscience PoV -Limited Omniscience, focusing on a few (or one) character.
     ->Stream-of-consciousness -Reproduce the unending activity of the mind.
   -The camera PoV (Fly-on-the-wall narrator)
    ->Objective, only records what happens, not entering characters' mind.
    ->Cause the effect of a play (from the abscence of editorializing and dissections of a character's mind.)


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