目前分類:莉特雷莉 Literary (22)

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 I have nothing to declare except my genuis.『我沒有什麼值得提的,除了我的天份!』

 奧斯卡-王爾德,全名Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde,1854-1900, 19世紀與蕭伯納齊名的英國才子,蕭伯納在英國文史上是唯一能與莎士比亞相提並論者,王爾德的才華可見一班。
1854年10月16日生於愛爾蘭都柏林,父親是William Wilde,眼耳科醫生,母親是Jane Francesca Elgee,喜好文學,曾用筆名Speranza(義語:希望)發表作品,王爾德從小就接受良好的家庭教育,受母親的影響非常深。1878年他畢業於英國牛津大學,求學期間就深受唯美主義大師Walter Pater的思想影響,他愛好一切精美的事物,文學作品中洋溢著濃厚的「唯美」色彩。 

王爾德不但是位社會和文學批評家,他的才情也見於詩集、童話、和小說,兼詩人、小說家、戲劇家之名於一身。他以極優美的散文寫的九篇短篇童話,表達犧牲自我,解救苦難的弱者,不求回報,帶有濃厚的基督教精神。王爾德才氣縱橫,早便成為各界目光焦點,只是負多於正,在那個時代王爾德的前衛風格不受社會所接受。他能言善道又擅於寫作,在北美巡迴演說英國文藝復興和美國裝飾藝術的過程中,更因為他的優雅機智而大受歡迎,但後來因王爾德的斷袖之闢而受到大眾的韃伐,在百年後,1998的傳記電影<王爾德,Wilde>中便是由每男子裘得洛(Jude Law)出演王爾德之愛人一角,儘管現今同性愛戀的地位漸漸爬升,但在1895的英國,維多利亞時代不容王爾德的愛好,因此王爾德成為另一個因同性戀而被逼死的天才。死於1990年11月30日,年僅46,於法國巴黎。

王爾德最為人知的作品該當1888年出版之<快樂王子集>(The Happy Prince and Other Tales),與安徒生、格林等著名兒童文學家作品並列世界最偉大童話故事,原本這些故事書是寫給他兒子的,包含其他王爾德所著的兒童文學作品,但是我卻意外地發現儘管很多人都看過快樂王子,但是卻很少人知道王爾德。

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Have you ever wondered if the pass away of life could be rebirth in another form? Have you ever imagined if you can put yourself in the opposite side of the river of life?
The book, “The Lovely Bones,” begins with an unique statement. “My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973. My murder was a man from neighborhood.” Exactly, the main character, Susie Salmon, was murdered even before the whole story begins. How amazing it is! However, stating her story from Heaven, Susie uses a normal tone, which is humorous and mild instead of being angry and a vengeful. She drew the whole story lightly. Like an guardian angel, Susie guarded people who she loved, including her family, best friends and lover. It is like what she said in the end, “I wish you all a long and happy life.”
As the New York Times Review puts it, “in The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold deals with almost unthinkable subjects with humor and intelligence and a kind of mysterious grace.” The novel stated a subject, which we are likely to escape, which is death. Death is an unthinkable subject we must face. In fact, the author herself, Alice Sebold, has encountered a similar tragedy before.
Like Susie in the story, Alice was once attacked and raped in a tunnel. She could have died, but survived. To my amazement, Alice did not only find light in the dark and overcome the trauma, but also turned it into an outstanding story that could light up people else.
Faced with death, what would we do? Indeed, mourning is not avoidable. However, besides from mourning, would we stand up and come to term with it or fall down as buildings lose their basis? Imagine we are the dead, which one would we expect to see? As the saying goes, “Calm the mind of living, calm the spirit of the dead.” It might seem heartless, but we can glory the dead in other ways. Remember, life goes on whatever you do, and death could be birth in another aspect.

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