93年模擬考第24回 B6 9~12

  Finally, all those late nights at the office have paid off. You've been promoted into management, and
your new role is no longer simply to toil away, but to lead your team as they work as well. All too often,
new managers fall into the trap of thinking: "If I want the job done right, then I'll have to do it myself."
To handle your new role effectively, you must cultivate an attitude that will allow your team to carry out
their work effectively.

  To be a successful leader, you must learn to delegate responsibility. The team is looking to you for
leadership, so be very clear about your expectations. Be open to their ideas, and if you find that their
projects are not up to snuff, show them how to improve instead of taking over the project yourself.
And if your team is doing well, don't forget to acknowledge their efforts.

  Good leaders exhibit integrity. No matter what the situation is, you must be counted on to do the 
right thing. Leaders also show understanding. When speaking with your team, seek first to understand 
before trying to be understood. By being a positive role model, your team will remain harmonious and 
you will be considered an effective leader.

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